This medicine has not been evaluated by the MCC (Medicines Control Council). This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

GanodermaGOLD™ is South Africa’s premium dual-extract Reishi product.
Our proprietary growing and extraction methods deliver the ONLY dual extract, antler, Ganoderma lucidum product in South Africa.
It is cultivated in South Africa for South Africans! Mushroom Guru has perfected a proprietary growing method and developed South Africa’s first pure Reishi double extract range.
Ganoderma lucidum is also known as Lingzhi in China and Reishi in Japan, and has been used for its medicinal properties for more than 2,000 years. This extraordinary fungus is highly effective as an adaptogen and therefore regulates, balance and harmonises the body and all its complex systems.
This fungus develops a mushroom that is red in colour, smooth to the touch and astoundingly beautiful, yet incredibly bitter. Therefore, to be able to experience the benefits of this medicinal mushroom, you would either need to steep it in water and drink the hot water extraction as a tea, or prepare an alcohol (ethanol) extraction to make certain compounds (Ganoderic acid and triterpenoids) available for digestion.

We use two highly effective extraction methods in producing our Double Extract, MG-LZ8.
MG-LZ8 is the corner stone of our GanodermaGOLD™ product range and is the Double Extract that is used in all our Reishi products. The name LZ8 (Ling Zhi-8) was given to an immuno-modulatory protein, isolated from Ganoderma lucidum. MG is the abbreviation for Mushroom Guru, together they make up the Double Extract we call MG-LZ8.
Ganoderma lucidum is known as the ”Mushroom of Immortality” and the “Supernatural Mushroom”.

Reishi Double Extract
Not only has Mushroom Guru perfected its proprietary growing method, but also developed South Africa’s first pure Reishi double extract capsule product. The extracted materials are blended back into the exact same ratio as they were extracted.
Each capsule contains 15mg of Reishi double extract (MG-LZ8), which is 12 times stronger than outdoor grown Reishi and thus provides the equivalent of 5400mg of imported Reishi powder per capsule.
This product is non-toxic and free of alcohol, unlike combination tinctures.
People that use Reishi, report that they use it for:
immune modulation improving cognitive function improving gut health kidney and liver support bacterial infections stabilising blood sugarviral protection | heart support naturally thinning the blood regulating blood pressure reducing cholesterol reducing inflammation reducing daily stressors respiratory problems | insomnia allergy relief anti-aging reducing candida hormone production stem cell reproduction tumour reduction |

MG-LZ8 Pre-clinical Trial Confirms Increased Immune Response
In 2018 Mushroom Guru sent their proprietary MG-LZ8 for testing at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. The results from a pre-clinical trial done by Prof. Vaclav Vetvicka head of the Department of Pathology of the university, provided confirmation of a 43% increase in immunity within 48 hours! |
What is the difference between Reishi powder and Reishi extract?
The most important factor of any medicine is related to the bio-availability of the compounds inside the medicine. There is a compound in the mushroom cell wall, called Chitin, which our digestive system struggles to digest. When you consume a mushroom powder (whole dried mushroom powder), the Chitin may leave you with an uneasy feeling in your stomach. In some cases, Chitin causes severe nausea and headaches in people who consume raw mushrooms.
When the water soluble compounds are extracted using hot water, the nutrient/medicinal value increases dramatically, as seen in the COA document below. When extracting the solvent-based compounds from the Reishi mushroom using ethanol, the values increase 29 fold. Our new Reishi Double Extract combines both the water and ethanol extract, thus giving you a 100% bio-available product in its purest form.
Reishi mushroom powder is made from dried Reishi that is finely ground. It is extremely difficult to grind Reishi into a powder, so almost all fine Reishi powder is imported from China.
After testing imported Reishi powder, we have found that there is very little to no active ingredients in the powder, leading us to believe that the actives have been extracted for other products for the pharmaceutical companies and the bio-mass is ground and sold to unsuspecting clients as “Ground Reishi Powder”. See the HPLC graphs below.
Hot water extraction helps break down the Chitin in the cell wall of the mushroom so that polysaccharides/glucans and other water soluble compounds are released. Extracted compounds are far more active than dried powder. See the HPLC graphs below.
Alcohol extraction allows for all the solvent based compounds to be extracted, like Ganoderic acid and around 150 triterpenoids…among others. Alcohol extraction increases the potency by 29 fold. See the HPLC graphs below.
In conclusion…extracted compounds are far more effective than dried mushroom powder. Both polar and ethanol extractions have specific functions in the body and using both together is by far the better choice. With that said, the alcohol must be evaporated from the extraction so that no trace of alcohol is left behind, as alcohol is a registered Neuro-toxin.
Our Double Extract is pure extract from the fruit body of Antler grown Reishi. It contains no alcohol and is completely water soluble and bio-available. It is the first pure Reishi mushroom Double Extract product in South Africa and soon to be proven as the most active extract in the world.
In the results above, you will notice that the “Whole Herb” COA has less bio-available Ganoderic acid and less beta(1-3)glucans when compared to the water and ethanol extractions. There are two main “spikes” on each graph; the one on the left in the ‘water extraction’ is related to the beta(1-3)glucans and the spike to the right is the Ganoderic acid. In the ‘ethanol extract’ graph, the Ganoderic acid is the spike to the right, beta(1-3)glucans to the left and the all the triterpenoids to the right of the two larger spikes.
For me to be compliant I have to state the following:
This medicine has not been evaluated by the MCC (Medicines Control Council). This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Our product has been tested, extracted and bottled in a FDA inspected laboratory under strict GMP regulations. Our data has shown that our product is: Vegan, Non-GMO, Water-soluble, Chitin Free, Organic, 100% Bio-available and Non-toxic. The data also shows the extremely high levels of medicinal compounds found in our product, namely Beta-glucans and Ganoderic acids.
Safe AND effective!
What is the difference between Antlers and Conks?
Why grow “Antlers”?
When Reishi grows in an Antler form, it creates Ganoderic acid from the base to the very tip, which is substantially more Ganoderic acid than that found in the normal, short stem of a conk. MG-LZ8 is the name given to our extract and is taken from the fruit body of the antler and our product contains zero (0) starch. The “spikes” in the graphs below, represent the high levels of Ganoderic acid, beta(1-3)glucans and triterpenoids found in our Reishi antlers. Our proprietary growing system was developed around the production of Ganoderic acid and the development of the immunomodulatory protein LZ8.
Basic Intro To Reishi

Please read:
Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Reishi, has been used for over 3000 years for various medicinal purposes including Cancer treatments in many Asian countries. The Ganoderma Gold products are made with a pure extract called MG-LZ8 and therefore, since it is 100% natural, it would have no more contra indication than eating a salad or grilled vegetables.
Since it is a natural product and each one of us is different in our genetic make-up, diet (consumption of sugar, alcohol, genetically modified organisms, etc.), exercise regime and lifestyle choices, consumers of Reishi will experience it differently. In cases where the body is highly toxic or acidic as a result of diet, long term use of pharmaceuticals, poor lifestyle choices, etc. a corrective response can be expected.
People that use Reishi report that they use it for:
• immune modulation
• improving cognitive function
• improving gut health
• kidney and liver support
• bacterial infections
• stabilising blood sugar
• viral protection
• heart support
• naturally thinning the blood
• regulating blood pressure
• reducing cholesterol
• reducing inflammation
• reducing daily stressors
• respiratory problems
• insomnia
• allergy relief
• anti-aging
• reducing candida
• hormone production
• stem cell reproduction
• tumour reduction
Reishi is an immune modulator, and will therefore regulate the body’s natural immune response and build the body’s immunity. If one is planning for an organ transplant, Reishi should not be taken as prior to surgery, immune blockers are given to prevent the body from rejecting the new organ.
The same goes for medications related to blood pressure and blood viscosity. If you are on any blood medications, the blood should be closely monitored and if in doubt, consult your doctor.
Should you wish to further research, to and type in “Ganoderma Lucidum+ <ailment>” where you can read about all medical research done that cites these two search terms in the same published literature. You are also invited to see the producers website:
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